The Greeks tell a story about a poor elderly couple, Baucis and Philemon, who take in two gods dressed as homeless traveling men. While the townfolk bolt their doors, the couple do their very best to make the men comfortable and at ease. The exchange brings out the noble in both the givers and the recipients of such tenderness.
A couple thousand years after Baucis and Philemon, the story comes to mind. There are still fragile people with no place to spend this night, and there are still people who see the god-like soul in every person, and do their best to treat every man and woman as a brother or sister.
The current issue of the local monthly called Street Spirit includes the following poem by Claire J. Baker called 'Found Among the Homeless':
There are many
so magnanimous
they can give any part
of themselves away
and still remain
star stuff
Claire Baker and Mary Rudge recently published a book of street poems that can be ordered through email:
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