I've read as one grows more integrated and aware through meditative practices, night-time dreaming can diminish, or disappear completely. Easterners might see such a development as positive.
Western researchers report that depriving people of REM sleep (when most dreams occur) creates disorientation and daytime hallucinatory experiences, which they see as a matter of concern, an experience to be avoided.
Perhaps the consciousness-altering effects could be described as both rich and risky.
(This sidewalk in Huntsville, Alabama was the source of the leaf photos posted these last few days.)
I have been enjoying your leaf photos of the last few days. So it was especially nice to see the prosaic source of the images.
Thanks, Annelie! Thank you very much.
The photos are of the leaves just as I found them on the sidewalk after the rain. No manipulation except one or two are cropped, and I always adjust overall brightness and contrast.
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