The ocean was still. Mountains became whale-like rocks, islands reflected by the shimmering water. The smooth-surfaced water stretched out for miles, as far as I could see. Only there was no water, only the sun-bright white salt flats remaining from some prehistoric sea. Only a beautiful, trembling mirage.
Monday, August 2, 2010
From St. Anne's church:

The ocean was still. Mountains became whale-like rocks, islands reflected by the shimmering water. The smooth-surfaced water stretched out for miles, as far as I could see. Only there was no water, only the sun-bright white salt flats remaining from some prehistoric sea. Only a beautiful, trembling mirage.
The ocean was still. Mountains became whale-like rocks, islands reflected by the shimmering water. The smooth-surfaced water stretched out for miles, as far as I could see. Only there was no water, only the sun-bright white salt flats remaining from some prehistoric sea. Only a beautiful, trembling mirage.
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