Wednesday, February 10, 2010

There is no train where you get on board and are carried directly and safely to the next town on the map. With life, you get on track, and it branches this way, and then that, switch, switch, switch, and the town printed on your ticket is now a few hundred miles southeast, if it's still there at all, and you're somewhere you never heard of with kids or friends or lovers or nobody or illness or gifts, none of which you ever imagined, doing work that no one was even training for back when you were at whatever that place was you thought was home base.


Janis said...

Linda, it's great to see you, your words, and our images here again!!!

Janis said...

OOPS -- typo! I meant to say YOUR images!

linda said...

thanks, Janis. your website has been marvelous. Such polished, professional nature pics -and some amazing wildlife captures!

Janis said...

Thank you, Linda! Let's remember this is The Year of the Book and egg each other on!

linda said...

I'm still with you. Maybe we can email next week re: a starting goal-