These ants marched into the freezer in the night and froze to death. (There were also some in a stupor, and some trying their best to get in.) I try to figure it out. They didn't go to any food items. Either someone came into my apartment when I wasn't here and smeared the freezer with something incredibly attractive to ants, or it's one of these phenomena I bring up to my friends who patiently listen and hope for the best.
If it's the former, haha. If it's the latter, I gotta wonder why?
There are a few other ant phenomena going on around here, involving peanut butter and stove burners, but I'll just stick with the one that I can illustrate.
Sorry about the poor quality of the pics, but you get the idea. Any thoughts or comments are welcome.
I googled up some stories and photos similar to mine. The ones that mentioned location were in the bay area, which is where I live. Something special about ants around here!
Why not go to the fridge part where there's jam and fresh fruit and milk and it's not quite as dangerously cold? No ants in the fridge, hundreds in the freezer.
I dunno. I do know that fire ants (and I realize these are a different type ant) are attracted to electrical wiring and can destroy computers and AC units. So -- maybe they heard a hum in the freezer and weren't looking for food at all. Or maybe they smelled ice cream residue or something else that you can't see. Strange!
Sugar ant? black ant? pharoah ant?They don't seem to bite at all -
Also known as pissant in the south! Are they still there?
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