(My sister drew this when she was a girl.)
"Not so much like esp, but like intersections sometimes. Tonight, I was thinking what will I get my sister for Christmas, and ‘fun socks’ came to mind, and I googled that, and went to one site, and was surprised to see all the funny designs and thigh socks that come up over the knees, saw nothing she might like, and abruptly went to a photoblog I check regularly, though not usually first in photoblog linr, and there was a photo of a clothesline in Italy with what looked to be thigh socks.
Then, just now, I sat playing scrabble, listening to a radio program, and I was thinking of using some letter combination, and thought that’s probably not a word, just one I made up, and the guy on the radio said ‘a word I just made up’"
After typing the above, which I haven't edited, I checked email, and saw notice of George's comment about his synchronicity with last night's photo of a man's hand on a saw.
The timing of his comment with what I'd been writing about was another synchronicity.
Like thought tag, back and forth, back and forth between brain and other people or the physical surroundings, or like catching a wave...
I wrote to Jen Gray (the photographer of the Italian socks) a few years back when I walked into the house in Texas having just wrestled with a burrowing tortoise, and saw she had just posted something on a turtle she'd seen--in Illinois, I think. It was experiencing synchronicity through photoblogs that got me paying attention to ESP--phenomena I feel confident involve a logical process of physics we don't fully grasp yet.
Jen Gray
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